Advanced Tips

Learn about our best practice tips to implement!

Advanced Tips

Now that you've mastered the basics of building a beautiful feed with FeedSpring, consider taking things to the next level using our advanced tips and tricks listed below.

FeedSpring Dynamic Powerup (Dynamic Feeds)

The "FeedSpring Dynamic" attribute is a feature that lets you create multiple posts based on one instance of the feed post. That means, intead of creating all the items for your feed posts, you can instead, create a single feed post and use the dynamic attribute to automatically create the others.

To add this feature, simple navigate to your feed wrapper and add the attribute Name: feed-type and Value: dynamic. Remember the amount of feed posts we dynamically display will be based on your feed settings inside your dashboard.

Placeholder Image Loading

As with all HTML content, while the page is loading your placeholder image might now show to the customer until it is rendered on the page. You can improve this experinence for customers by adding any type of placeholder image, like your brand's logo or a simple loader gif. Here's a simple animated loader that you can download and use as your placeholder. This isn't required by any means, but helps to add a level of polish to your feeds during load

Timestamp Formatting

By default, timestamps will be displayed like this - October 09, 2023. You can add a custom timestamp, by using the formats here. You can also use our pre-set format, which renders the timestamp in the following format - 12 days ago. To add this pre-set, simply add an additional attribute (Name: feed-timestamp) and add the attribute value (Value: from now).  Add this attribute as well as the original timestamp attributes.

<iframe> Video

An iframe is often used to embed video content within a web page. By using an iframe, a website can display a video from the source without having to host the video file themselves. The video player is embedded within the iframe and is typically sized and positioned to fit within the layout of the parent page. This allows for easy integration of video content into a website, without the need for complicated code.

Whitelisting Domains

Whitelisting domains refers to the process of allowing only specific websites or domains to be embedded or included on a page. This can be done for security reasons to prevent malicious or unwanted content from being loaded on the page, or to ensure the integrity and control over the content displayed on the website. By whitelisting domains, website administrators can ensure that only trusted sources of information are being displayed, providing a safer and more controlled online experience for users.

Keyword Filterings (Google Review)

Keyword filtering is a feature that allows users to screen and control the content that is displayed based on specific keywords or phrases. This feature can be used to filter out unwanted or inappropriate content or to prioritize content based on relevance to the user. The feature typically provides a list of keywords or phrases that are used as the basis for filtering, and users can add or remove keywords to customize the filtering criteria. Keyword filtering can help users to improve the quality and relevance of the information they see.

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