Earn 30% by sharing Feedspring

Maximize your revenue with us!

Join FeedSpring Affiliate Program. Earn a 30% commission for every payment by your referrals, and give your community a 10% lifetime discount.

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Why Feedspring

Why partner with Us

We’re dedicated to building the best no-code social feeds in the world, and you can earn with us as we grow. Learn more below

30% Per Referral
30% recurring commission for each referral you bring to us.
Passive income
Enjoy the opportunity to generate passive income simply.
Free to Apply
It's free to join our affiliate program, no expectations.
Growing Product
Partner with a product that is continuously growing
Share our Products

Refer our products to your clients and earn a commission

Our feeds provide a solution needed by many modern businesses. Sign up your clients, and earn a kick-back from their subscription, it’s a win-win

Become an affiliate
Google Reviews

Refer your customers to build a Google Review feed and earn every month.


Refer your customers to build an Instagram feed and earn every month.


Refer your customers to build a Dribbble feed and earn every month.


Refer your customers to build a TikTok feed and earn every month.


Refer your customers to build a Facebook feed and earn every month.

Refer & Earn

How it works

Account created
Register Account

Register an affiliates account, and wait to get approved by a member of our team.

Share the link
Share your unique link and earn every time a customer makes a purchase with us.
Earn income
Help your community with a product they will find useful, and earn rewards for it.